The school follows a Ten Plus Two pattern of Central Board of Senior Secondary Education, New Delhi. According to the three language formula each student of Class I to VIII shall compulsorily study three languages. In addition to English Communicative, Hindi Course-B, Malayalam are taught with the provision for opting one of the last two as either second language or third language. Mathematics, Science and Social Science are the other compulsory subjects. Instructional Time is allotted for Physical and Health Education, Computer Science, Value Education, Drawing, Painting, Music, Dance, Yoga and Library. The school has various organizations like Science Club, Literary Club, Arts Club, Eco Club, School Choir, Heritage Club, Health & Physical Education Club, Student Volunteer Corps, etc. for the all-round development of students and to instill in them leadership qualities.
The school follows Ten plus Two pattern of Senior Secondary Education ,New Delhi.
According to the three language formula each student of classes I to IV shall compulsorily study three languages English, Malayalam and Hindi
1. First Language – English communicative
2. Languages – Hindi & Malayalam
3. Mathematics
4. Science and Technology
5. Social Science (History, Geography, Economics and Civics)
6. Work Experience: Computer Science, Robotics 7. Art Education (Painting, Dance, Music, Drama etc.)
7 Physical and Health Education.
The CBSE has issued Circular No. Acad-05/2017 dated 31.01.2017 on the restoration of Board Examination for Class X and revised assessment structure and examination for class X from Academic Year 2017-18 onwards. This new scheme will bring the uniformity in the system of assessment and examination for classes IX and X in all the CBSE affiliated schools. To increase the confidence in the students to start preparing for class X Board Examination when they join the upper primary stage in class VI, the CBSE has decided to implement the uniform system of assessment, examination pattern and issue of report cards for classess VI to VIII also on the similar pattern. While keeping in view the provision of Right to Education.
As the CBSE affiliated schools are required to follow the NCERT syllabus in the upper primary stage, uniformity in the assessment structure examination and issuer of report cards is felt necessary from class VI to VIII.
Scholastic Area : The assessment structure and examination for classes VI to VIII have been prepared in view of the provisions of RTE-Act 2009 and comprises of two terms i.e. Term -1 and 2.ARY CENTRAL SCHOOL, KAYAMKULAM
Co-Scholastic Activities (Classes VI - VII) : For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas be carried out by the teachers and will be graded term-wise on a 3 point grading scale (A+ Outstanding, B+ Very Good and C = Fair). The aspect of regularity, sincerer participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following coscholastic activities.
(a) Work Education - Work Education refers to skill-based
activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community.
(b) Art Education (Visual & Performing Art)
(c) Health and physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yogaetc.)
Discipline (Classes VI - VII : The students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity,behaviour, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and othersa. Grading on Discipline will be done term-wise on a 3-point grading scale.
(i) Periodic Test (10 Marks) :
Pen Paper Test (5 Marks)
The school shall conduct three periodic written test in the entire academic year and the average of the best two wiil be taken. The school will take the average of the best two tests for final marks submission.
Multiple Assessment (5 Marks)
Eg: Quizzes, Oral Test, Concept of map, Exit cards, Visual expression etc.
(ii) Portfolio (5 Marks):
Eg: Class work, Peer assessment, Self assesment, Achievmentss of student in the subject, Reflections, Narrations, Journals etc.
(iii) Subject Enrichment (5 marks):
These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development. These activities are to be recorded internally by respective subject teachers.
For Languages :Activities conducted for subject enrichment in languages should aim at equipping the learner to develop effective speaking and listening skills.
For Mathematics :The listed laboratory activities and projects as given in the prescribed publication of CBSE/NCERT will be followed.
For Science :The listed practical works/activities will be carried out as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.
For Social Science :Map and project work will be undertaken as prescribed by the CBSSE in the curriculum.OLY MARY CENTRAL SCHOOL, KAYAMKULAM
2. Co-Scholastic Activities
Co-curricular activities shall be conducted for the holistic development of the student. These activities will be graded on a 5point grading scale (A to E) and will have no descriptive indicators.
Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity, good behaviour and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. Class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).
The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10+5+5) entails objectivity and a structured approach.
In addition to the Scholastic areas, Co-Scholastic areas like Life Skills, Attitudes and Values, Participation and Achievement in activities involving Literacy and Creative Skills, Scientific Skills, Aesthetic Skills and Performing Arts and Clubs, and Health and Physical Education will also be evaluated. CENTRAL SCHOOL, KAYAMKULAM
Class XI examination shall be conducted internally by the school themselves while Class XII examination shall be conducted according to the following scheme.
a) The Board shall conduct examination in all subjects except General Studies,Work Experience,Physical and Health education which will be assessed internally by the school.
b) In all subjects examined by the Board a student will be given one paper each carrying 100 marks for 3 hours. However,in subjects requiring practical examination there will be a theory paper and a practical examination as required in the syllabi and courses.
c) In works Experience,General Studies and Physical and Health education,cumulative records of students achievements and progress will be maintained.